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‘I am a landscape artist with a fascination for mathematics and science. These two may appear incompatible, but in fact they are different pathways toward the same thing – a better understanding of the natural world.

Mathematics and science describe the physical laws that govern nature; drawing nature helps understand how the world works.

In drawing a plant, for instance, an artist subconsciously notices how the pointed leaves help channel water to the drip line, the way the shadows of the foliage shelter the roots from the sun, and the way the dead leaves mulch the ground beneath the plant.

Studying science, as well as drawing and painting has given me a deeper appreciation of the natural world; a world which I try to celebrate in my paintings.


Here are some of my works.

Gallery Gay Emmerson: Text


"Water is the driving force of all nature"


Leonardo da Vinci

Gallery Gay Emmerson: Text
Gallery Gay Emmerson: Pro Gallery


Recently my paintings include close studies of sea, trees, leaves and branches, sand patterns, and flowers, as well as landscapes.  Moving to Gerringong on the south coast of NSW has made me very aware of new shapes and colours.


Also I have been able to journey within Australia and overseas during the past decade.  Among my favourite paintings from my travels include those from Petra in Jordan and paintings of the Kimberley in WA

Gallery Gay Emmerson: Text
Gallery Gay Emmerson: Pro Gallery


This early work is from my time in Canberra, where the time-worn landscape has characteristics of the human body.  Round hills swell like buttocks and bellies, and low ranges resemble back bones.
In particular, the reclining figure, from my last year at art school, now looks to me as much a landscape as it does a human body.  Muscles appear to have hardened into rocks and hills.

Gallery Gay Emmerson: Text
Gallery Gay Emmerson: Pro Gallery
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